As the Taliban continues its restriction on the people of Afghanistan, research shows that only 0.1% of people in the region admit to being a Christian. The Taliban historically has severely persecuted believers in Christ, as one source reports Christians being killed just for having a Bible app on their phone. Afghanistan now ranks number one in the world for Christian persecution.
The Tide® world headquarters staff is aware of the persecution Afghani Christians are facing and we are more determined than ever to share the Gospel in the places that need it the most.
We believe the light of Christ shines the brightest in the darkest places of the world. Even with such heavy persecution in the region, the people in that region are hungry for the hope of the Gospel, and we are dedicated to sharing the love of Christ through our radio broadcasting.
Recently we announced that our local radio broadcast “Window of Love,” will also be available in the Pashto language in addition to Dari, the two primary languages in that particular region. The program has the potential to reach over 9 million listeners in Afghanistan alone, not to mention the Pashtun people in neighboring countries.
Evangelically, the Pashtun people are considered a Frontier Unreached People Group which means that less than 1% are Christians and essentially have no chance of hearing the Gospel from people within their own community. This is why radio is such an important tool to carry the Gospel into these remote communities.
For more information about what the ministry is doing in Afghanistan and the surrounding region, click here.