There is a global thirst for knowledge of Christ all around the globe. Places full of darkness that have never heard of the light of Christ are seeking the truth of the Gospel like never before. However, it is difficult to discover God’s word if it isn’t told in a language people can understand.
This is where The Tide® ministry and our partners come in. Using people’s heart languages is a key component of what we do. It allows people who have never heard the Gospel make a stronger and more intimate connection with Christ because they can understand the message on a more personal level.
In India, we have 12 different radio programs in 11 different languages, all designed to reach those in the region who have not yet heard the Good News. By offering so many language options, we hope to widen our reach of people tuning in to hear about Christ. In addition to the radio broadcasts, our ‘boots on the ground’ partners give listeners the option to write in and ask for brochures and pamphlets that give more information about Christ and salvation, also in the heart languages of a local area.
One listener wrote in, “Your radio program is very interesting and heart touching. Whenever I get time to listen to it very attentively and receive spiritual nourishment, I have peace, rest and joy in my heart. The Lord is helping me in my daily life. I am very thankful to you for sharing the Good News through radio in our own language Bengali. Please send me some books either in Hindi or Bengali language.”
We believe we need to utilize the best methods to share the message of Jesus Christ throughout the world. One of these methods is in sharing Him in our listeners’ own heart language. This is accomplished through our generous donors who contribute financially and prayer warriors who go before the Lord on behalf of the ministry. To them we say thank you!