Spiritual Progress

Reading: Ephesians 4:11-16

Some babies are born into this world, robust and hearty, weighing ten or more pounds. Others are merely know which one was born large or small. With proper love and care, they grow healthy and strong.

So it is with the spiritual birth. Some appear to have a very bright spiritual experience of conversion, while others seem to be merely alive in the first day
of Christian experience. So it is evident that the strength of birth is no more important than the progress of growth. Here is where there should be real examination. Let us honestly ask ourselves the question: What spiritual progress am I making? Have I passed any milestones in the recent past? What signs do I show of spiritual maturity? Are there any, if not, then why not?

Prayer: Lord, I thank you for my present attainent in grace. I want to come more nearly to the perfect man. Even unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. so help me God. Amen.