Make the Most of Every Opportunity

Reading: Ephesians 5:14-21  I knew of a young man in medical college, whose parents were hit hard financially during the Great Depression. The banks closed and money was scarce. Word came that they could no longer send him the money needed for his college. Now what? Quit in the midst of his training? He said to himself, “By God’s help, I will keep on. I will use every opportunity to earn money.” He cut spending to the bare necessities. He sometimes did without food and frequently wore well-worn clothes. He did any kind of legitimate labor he could find. He took advantage of every opportunity. He stayed in training was able to graduate with his class. Today he is filling an important medical post in a far away country. Do you know why? He redeemed the time.  Many believers are spiritually poverty stricken because they do not buy up all the opportunitites to entrich the soul. Take advantage of every opportunity to grow in grace. Seize every opportunity you are given. Let nothing slip, and your soul will flourish.  Prayer: Help me to use every opportunity to develop in grace. Make me keen and alert to redeem the time. Quicken my spiritual understanding. In Christ’s name, Amen.