How You Can Join the Movement


Use your talents to help with different volunteer opportunities throughout the year


There are multiple ways for a congregation to help others hear about Christ.


Want to get your business involved? Check out the different ways you can make a kingdom impact with what you’ve been given.

Mail Volunteer

Throughout the year we have many different mass mailings that require all hands on deck. Have some free time? We’re always looking for some extra help to get those envelopes stuffed.

Event Volunteer

Events don’t run themselves. We always need more hands during our events; whether that be helping to set up, tear down, take photos or videos, or anything in between.

Special Speaker & Missions Moments

Members of The Tide staff stand at the ready to bring an update to your congregation. We can provide a short missions moment about our global work or even fill the Pulpit on a Sunday morning. Other churches have asked us to supply a speaker for a conference or to meet with a small group to talk about missions. We take a relational approach to speaking and can craft a message that is just right for your church.

Taste of The Tide

Enjoy authentic food, music and other cultural experiences at this informative and fun fundraising event. Designed to be hosted at a church or in a home come see, taste, hear, and feel what life is like in Africa, Asia, or Europe where we broadcast.

Nut & Coffee Sales

Each fall we have a special sale of delightful nuts and coffee. They are responsibly sourced from across the globe with all proceeds benefiting our international radio broadcasts. Our annual sale is a seasonal rite of passage with the nuts and coffee arriving just before the Thanksgiving holiday. The sale works best when a church ambassador takes orders and collects the funds. We will supply a ready-to-disburse box of orders for your group. Nuts can also be ordered online anytime here:

Coffee can be ordered anytime here:



The Tide Vacation Bible School missions project is a great way to introduce children to the concept of sharing the gospel globally and to help them experience the joy of giving.

Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the Word of Christ.

Romans 10:17 (NIV)

This verse points out the fact that people are not saved when we preach salvation but are saved when they respond in faith to what they hear about Jesus Christ.  The Gospel must be shared in a way that people can hear it and embrace Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Since our inception in 1946 The Tide ministry has always maintained a very strong focus on broadcasting the Good News of Jesus Christ. Today, our primary focus is reaching into other regions of the world where there are many people who still need to hear about Jesus. We currently operate on 3 continents, broadcasting gospel radio programs in multiple languages. The Tide ministry partners in each country help our listeners become committed disciples of Christ by inviting them to seekers conferences, distributing Bibles and Christian literature in their own language, enrolling them in correspondence courses, and providing radios in areas where people are too poor to purchase their own.

The Tide VBS project provides an avenue for children to learn about the various ways The Tide is telling people in other countries about Jesus, and to participate in The Tide mission by raising support to help tell people about Jesus in their own language.  You may choose a specific country, language, and aspect of ministry to support, or a combination based on your own project goal.

To assist you in having a successful and fulfilling VBS project for the children we can provide you with a ready to go media kit for VBS which includes: World map, Radio poster, 3D Radio offering box, and stickers for the children. More options are available to make this exciting and fun for the children. These options include; information cards on various people groups, stories of lives that have been touched through The Tide radio ministry, short video clips, and suggested scripture lessons. You can help by encouraging your church to adopt this VBS project to help share the gospel with people who desperately need to hear of God’s love for them.

If more details are needed, please email The Tide office at


Sponsoring any one of our events, bus trips, or golf tournaments is a great way to not only help others hear about Jesus, but also to make a heavenly investment with what God has given you and your business! More information

Employee Matching Gifts

Gifts are great. Matched gifts are even better! You can foster philanthropy and directly incentivize your employees’ personal giving by offering a company match. Not only does this double the gift but it also promotes camaraderie around a shared purpose.

Gift in Kind

Printing, Baking, Computing, Hosting, Cooking, Sewing, Delivering, Advertising, Supplying. What does your business do or make that could be donated to The Tide? In-Kind gifts can save us the cost of certain goods and services and allows your brand to be of benefit to our work. Your gift may also be used as a promotional items at our festivals, events, and golf tournaments.

Have You Heard? Challenge

The Tide is inviting people to accept the challenge to ask at least ten people during the coming year if they have heard what Jesus did for them.  If someone responds that they have not heard, the door is then opened to share God’s plan of salvation or your own testimony and invite the person to your church.

You Can Change Lives for Eternity

Becoming a Tide Ambassador is more than just representing us: it’s representing those who have yet to hear about Christ.

Special Events

The Tide has many special events to get involved with, including the Race to Share the Gospel Around the World, Annual Spring and Fall Golf Outings, and the Your Soles ~ Their Souls Shoe Drive. Click the button below for more information.

Taste of The Tide Event

We invite you to experience culture, food, and music from one of our partnering countries in one of these unique fundraising events.

Other Opportunities

We know that you aren’t always able to volunteer for a mailing or help with an event. However, there are still plenty of ways to get involved!

  • Pray: Each quarter we release a prayer guide that can be followed day by day, rotating through for 3 months.  2025 Q2 Prayer Guide
  • Tidal Waves: Regular waves of financial support enable The Tide to produce regular waves of Christian broadcast media. Tidal Wave donors commit to donate to The Tide on a monthly basis at a level that fits your charitable budget. Being a Tidal Wave donor is the best way to consistently support our Good News broadcasts. Giving can be done online or through the mail. We make it convenient and exciting. Sign up here
  • Stocks & AssetsWe are proudly partnered with the BIC Foundation, InFaith, and the National Christian Foundation. This allows you unlock the giving power of real estate, business interests, stock, royalties, rental properties and other assets.
  • Year BeardWe’re looking for beard growers! Check out our unique challenge where growing your beard can change lives for eternity.

Byers Legacy Club

The Tide is pleased to announce The Byers Legacy Club. Rev. Charlie Byers had a vision for using radio to broadcast Biblical messages and founded The Gospel Tide Hour in 1946. Radio was an emerging technology at that time and remains an effective way to teach and reach people today.

The Byers Legacy Club is a formal way to recognize donors who have chosen to remember The Tide ministry in their estate. A stunning plaque has been created that already contains the names of 14 families who have included The Tide in their wills. The plaque is on display in our office, and new names will be added annually.

We announced The Byers Legacy Club at our promotional dinners in September 2018. Since then, three more families have joined the club! You too may have your name listed on the plaque by indicating that you have included The Tide ministry in your estate. This is a simple yet significant way you can help evangelize the nations as we “creatively share the Good News of Jesus Christ through media and partnerships.”

Byers Legacy Club donors will be able to experience giving joy in an eternal way. We believe this is especially meaningful for those who knew Charlie well so they may show lifelong support for the ministry he started and served so faithfully.

If you have questions about estate planning or would like to discuss The Byers Legacy Club, we can visit with you in our office or in your home. Contact us below or call (877) 859-5484.

We thank the Lord for placing global radio ministry on the heart of Rev. Charlie Byers, and it is our privilege to honor him in this way.

Work For Us

The Tide ministry is currently seeking a part time Associate for Church Relations to help drive further expansion and ministry growth by increasing awareness and support for The Tide activities across a wide base of congregations. Click here to see the Job Description with additional details.

Interested individuals who are suitably qualified may submit a letter of interest and resume to The Tide Director at the address listed on the job description.