How do we apply a missional mindset to our relational networks such as soccer practice, volunteering at the soup kitchen, or work? Check this week’s blog entry for a practical, rubber-meets-the-road perspective on how movements can be sparked!
Networks: Secret Weapon to Spark Revival?
When I would hear of stories of movements on the mission field over the years, with families and even entire villages coming to Christ, disciples making disciples multiplying to several generations, I’ve often wondered: what would it take to spark a revival here at home?
Teaching Disciples to Obey
Sometimes, in cross-cultural pioneering ministry, challenging situations may arise. There may not be a one-size-fits-all solution, and even mature Christians who are seasoned practitioners may have different perspectives.
The Guitar on the Mission Field
These new believers ask you whether you can play a worship song for them. Your eyes dart over to your beloved old guitar in the corner of the room. The guitar has accompanied your team on so many lonely, frustrating nights, reminding you of home as you faithfully plowed ahead in your work.
What do you do?
Global Muslim Awakening Part 1: Dreams and Visions
Have you heard? Something big is happening across the Muslim world!
Announcing Summer Internships!
Are you a college student with a heart for ministry? Do you have an interest in gaining real world experience in ministry marketing and communications? If so, please consider joining us as an intern this summer!
Third Annual ‘Race to Share the Gospel’ Allows People in the Balkan Region to Hear God’s Word
Powerful challenge kicked off Saturday, April 27 and ended Sunday, May 12, raising awareness and funds for ministry outreach in the Balkan region
Taste of the Tide: Sharing Cultural Experiences from Around the World
The Tide® is working with a ministry partner in Thailand to share God’s Word among the Isaan people
Committed to Reaching the Unreached: Using Media and Partnerships to Bring Hope
‘Our goal is to lead as many people as possible into a life-transforming relationship with Jesus Christ’