Many see the modern global missions movement as starting in the late 18th century when William Carey left his home in England for India. Over the next century, many tribes from animist backgrounds found the blessing of Jesus Christ. The underground house church exploded in China in the 20th century, although a concerted effort is still needed to reach its many ethnic minorities. After much prayer, the Muslim world is experiencing a mass awakening, and breakthroughs are also occurring among Hindus in India. Many in post-Christian secular societies are finding again the faith of their forefathers, sometimes outside of the walls of traditional church settings. The body of messianic believers in Israel is also growing.
However, there is one major world religion where, although there are encouraging signs and smaller breakthroughs, this kind of movement to Christ has yet to take place on the same scale: Buddhism.
In many respects, Buddhism presents a compelling and realistic worldview for its over half a billion adherents. Similar to Christianity, Buddhism teaches that we are born with desires that do not satisfy us, and that this leads to suffering and pain in life. Although the Biblical framework provides a much broader understanding of suffering and sin, the reality of human desires causing pain is a profound shared experience that, if we are honest, we can all agree on.
Where Buddhism divulges is the solution that it offers to the problem of human suffering. In a universe with no personal creator God, we cycle endlessly through reincarnation until we are able to extinguish our desires and enter a heightened spiritual state.
It can seem daunting to engage such a framework with the Gospel, as the two worldviews can seem so entirely different. But we know that the Word of God is sufficient. The Book of Ecclesiastes can speak to a Buddhist mindset and affirm the meaningless of chasing empty desires in life, while drawing seekers with a message of hope and a personal, almighty creator God and Savior.
The Tide has gospel media outreach ministries in Thailand and Bhutan, broadcasting the Good News into heartlands of two of the main schools of Buddhism, Theravada and Vajrayana (Tibetan). As our listeners hear the life-giving message, pray for open hearts and minds and that there will be abundant spiritual fruit – fruit which remains and multiplies. May they see that life is not about extinguishing our desires, but about meeting our creator God who loves us, in whom our desires are finally fulfilled.