
Power Encounters with the Lord

Power Encounters with the Lord

Power encounters, or confrontations between spiritual powers, are a common occurrence and a powerful reminder of the supremacy of Christ.

Answered Prayer in India!

Answered Prayer in India!

In our recent Prayer Guide we asked for your prayers over Odisha where, due to persecution, our local partners have not been able to hold seeker meetings to introduce people to the Lord. Your prayers have been answered!

Encouraging the Youth in Albania and Kosovo

Encouraging the Youth in Albania and Kosovo

When the Time to Talk program began broadcasting on television five years ago, it was the only Christian program reaching out to youth in Albania and Kosovo. This remains the case today. We are grateful to be part of encouraging the next generation of believers in the Balkans.

Testimony from Albania

Testimony from Albania

Did you know that Albania was famously declared to be the world’s first atheist state in the 1960’s?

Sentenced to Death on False Charges

Sentenced to Death on False Charges

It can be difficult to capture in words the intense persecution of Christians who live in Muslim-majority countries, but the ongoing story of Shahzad Masih is a powerful reminder of the heavy cross that some of God’s people carry

How Well Do You Know the Bible?

How Well Do You Know the Bible?

Staying in the Word is one of the core non-negotiable practices of the Christian walk. But how well do we know the Scriptures?